About Us
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of people working together.
Headquartered in the heart New York City, Lunar New Year Celebration™ (LunarNYC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping and uniting all Asians, and those who love the culture, under our one Global Brand. Our primary mission is the development of Youths between the ages of 5 years old to 22 years old, while promoting Diversity, Love, Unity, Peace and Prosperity through leadership programs. We empower and cultivate these young minds by putting together educational activities, global conferences, lectures, forums, concerts, food festivals, pageants, mentoring, and special sporting events.
The Lunar New Year Celebration™ (LunarNYC) creates 100% unique original concepts and programs. We plan to host various events and activities throughout the Lunar New Year. These programs provide a series of channels that create growth for our mission to empower kids throughout the different stages of their lives. Information about upcoming events and workshops will be published in our newsletter, social media and on our website.